07799 333 794
worried about rising energy bills? worried about the environment?
welcome to the future of heating !
We've been heating Scandinavian homes for nearly 30 years.
Now available here in the UK.
NO maintenance or servicing costs
Made of recycled material - Completely recyclable
The ONLY heating system so durable it can be nailed through without affecting performance
So safe it can be used directly beneath carpet
Only 1mm thick - Can be used anywhere, in walls, ceilings or even outdoors
Suitable for a single room or a whole building, for new builds or for retro-fit to existing rooms
We know that imitation is supposed to be the sincerest form of flattery, but one annoying result of our system's success is that fake & counterfeit systems are starting to appear for sale via various internet sources. (Primarily Chinese in origin.)
These products are even being sold with our branding & logos and using photos and information from our websites & brochures.
Obviously we are not happy about this from a commercial viewpoint, but the chief worry is that the these counterfeit systems are untested, unregulated and will be dangerous and unsafe.
A counterfeited version could either run too hot, too cold, not run at all, or even catch fire.
If you find any examples of sites offering these goods please report them to us here.