Just like you, we hate it when we visit a website only to find there's no mention of how much the product actually costs.
Unfortunately, as our heating system has so many variables - room size, insulation needs, floor surfaces & coverings etc. the only way we can give you an accurate price is to quote your requirements individually.
But, just to give you a rough idea, a system for an average sized room (15m²) with normal levels of insulation would cost somewhere in the region of £1400 to include absolutely everything you need - insulation board, heating element, crimps, cable,voltage control, programmable thermostat, necessary adhesives and tape..
Do you think that sounds expensive? In the next 10 years you will probably spend 15 times that amount on energy alone trying to keep your home warm.
As you are probably only too aware, UK energy costs have already increased a lot this year. The average heating bill was £1,345 last year. No doubt the current figures will be higher when released.
As EPWarmfloor is the most energy efficient heat source available (100% efficient!) calculations show 40-60% less energy is used to gain the same heat output compared to other heating sources. Obviously individual homes vary, and factors such as how well -insulated the heated area is, whether doors are kept closed, the outdoor temperature, preferred indoor temperature, room size, price of electricity & whether the Warmfloor is to be the primary or secondary source of heat for the home all effect the calculations, but even if we assume a saving of only 50% on your current heating costs, then the average heating bill would be halved.
That's a saving of £650 per year.
Every year.
And we give a standard 20 year guarantee. Over 20 years the saving would be £13,000. And that's assuming that energy prices don't rise!
Still not convinced?
Well that doesn't even begin to take into account the savings on other factors, such as the horrendous costs of having boilers serviced or repaired, or radiators replaced , or the risks of burst pipes or aging gas heaters. Not to mention the comparatively much greater installation costs of alternative heating systems, like gas,oil or solid fuel.
EPWarmfloor is maintenance free. It sits invisibly & silently under your floor surface and just gets on with its job. Once it is installed that's it.
I'll leave you to factor in how much that would save you.
And the very best thing of all, of course, is that you can have your home as warm as you want for as long as you want !
Lower energy bills. No maintenance costs. No nasty surprise boiler breakdowns, radiator leaks or servicing problems.
And of course, your house, your family and your cat will actually be warmer.
If you have any lingering doubts, please just ask. We really do believe that there is no more efficient and economical way to heat your home than EPWarmfloor.
90% of homes in Norway use radiant floor heating. I expect you are beginning to see why. And the 100% efficient Warmfloor system is the most effective and most economical to run.
To find out exactly how much it will cost you to start saving money and feeling warmer, just contact us for a free no-obligation quote.